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Federal Judiciary System

When there is a dispute between individuals, or between an individual and the state, either side may go to court to have his or her rights upheld and the dispute settled under the law.


Ubi Jus, Ibi Remedium
    "Where there is a right, there is a remedy"

However, "going to court" presupposes many things. First of all, there must be a dependable system of laws. In Canada, our system of private law (governing disputes between individuals) and public law (concerning matters that affect society as a whole) is founded on two ancient and very different forms of justice: English common law and French civil law. Over the centuries, these two systems have been found to be both flexible and durable.

As well, there must be courts to go to: places that are set aside for the hearing of cases; lawyers to plead the facts and law; and judges to weigh the evidence, determine the outcome, and, if necessary, pronounce the sentence.

The courts also require officials to manage their operations. Court administration includes a large number of activities, ranging from issuing summonses and controlling dangerous criminals in court to scheduling cases, nominating jurors and keeping records. Courts generate a large amount of data. They require the services of many different and well-trained individuals.

Canadian Legislation

SOURCE: Government of Canada.

See also
Supreme Court
Federal Court of Appeal
Federal Court
Tax Court
Provincial Judiciary System

External Links
Department of Justice Official Website
Canada's Constitutional Evolution

Copyright Craig I.W. Marlatt