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Quick Facts

If it's the statistics you're looking for, look no further. Below you will find all the latest facts and data on Canada, its government, education and health systems, finances, travel, and much more. All of the numerical statistics are provided by Statistics Canada.


IndependenceJuly 1, 1867
SovereignHis Majesty King Charles III
Governor GeneralHer Excellency The Right Honourable Mary May Simon
Prime MinisterThe Right Honourable Justin TrudeauLiberal
Chief JusticeThe Right Honourable Richard Wagner
Area9,984,670 sq. km2nd largest
Coastline243,791 kmLongest
Highest Point5959 metres (Mount Logan, Yukon Territory)
Lowest Point0 metres (Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans)
Centre of CanadaArviat, Nunavut
Distance (East-West)5514 km
Distance (North-South)4634 km
Population Distribution84% urban / 16% rural(2021)
Average Family Size2.9 persons(2021)
EducationMandatory to 16 or 18 years of age(varies by province)
Education Expenditures6% GDP(2016)
Elementary and Secondary Enrolment4,911,696(2020-2021)
Number of Universities100(2023)
University Enrolment1,174,392(2021)
Number of Colleges175(2010)
College Enrolment616,017(2021)
Educational Attainment30% - University Degree(2021)
19% - College Diploma(2021)
9% - Trade Certificate(2021)
26% - High School Diploma(2021)
16% - Without High School Diploma(2021)
Health CareUniversal
Health Expenditures12.2% GDP(2022)
Life Expectancy84.1 - Females(2017)
80.0 - Males(2017)
Birth Rate10.1 / 1000(2022)
Death Rate7.8 / 1000(2022)
Infant Mortality Rate4.5 / 1000(2020)
Gross Domestic Product$1,988,000,000(2021)
Total Imports$757,400,000,000(2022)
Total Exports$779,200,000,000(2022)
Inflation Rate4.3%(2023)
Unemployment Rate5.0%(2023)
Median Income (after tax)$36,500(2021)
Visitors to CanadaUnited States - 15,000,000(2019)
United Kingdom - 876,000
China - 712,000
France - 668,000
Mexico - 496,000
Germany - 412,000
Australia - 354,000
India - 333,000
Japan - 252,000
South Korea - 214,000

SOURCE: Statistics Canada.

See also
"100% Canadian"

Copyright Craig I.W. Marlatt